Statement Regarding Possible Changes to BCCRS Operations in the District of Columbia
The BCCRS Board of Directors is conducting a strategic review of the Rescue Squad’s emergency medical service to the District of Columbia. The review was prompted by significant changes in EMS service in both the District and Montgomery County, including increased EMS resources on both sides of the DC-Maryland border as well as advances in emergency dispatch technologies not available to BCCRS. BCCRS has consulted with senior fire/rescue officials from DC and Maryland on the review.
The Board anticipates making a decision in the next several weeks, which will be widely communicated to DC residents in the BCCRS response area and other stakeholders. In the meantime, BCCRS continues to operate its emergency phone line and provide EMS service to Upper Northwest DC under the terms of its long-standing agreement with DC.
BCCRS Chief Edward “Ned” Sherburne discussed the issue with DC Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners from ANC 3/4G during their June 28, 2021, meeting.